LEGATO Gripper Hardware Manual |
Overview |
LEGATO Gripper is a hand-held gripper developed in LEGATO: Cross-Embodiment Imitation Using a Grasping Tool to advance cross-embodiment robot learning research. Created by Mingyo Seo and Shenli Yuan, LEGATO aims to democratize and support robot manipulation within the robot learning community by open-sourcing its modular hardware design. |
We currently provide the following materials from this open-source project. |
Bill of Materials |
Here is the list of off-the-shelf parts required to assemble one set of shared gripper components. Although ISO bolts from McMaster-Carr are specified in this list, any compatible bolts may be used as alternatives. |
Other than the above components, the follow materials, 3D-printing filaments, and friction tapes are requred to assembly one set of the Gripper. The below table is the example of the items, but any compatible alternative can be used. |
Assembly Instruction |
Follow the video instructions below to assemble the shareable gripper components. Before assembly, use an appropriate press machine (example ) to heat-set inserts into the Base part. |
For use, you can assemble the sharabe gripper with the corresponding handles. Currently, we provide three types of handles: one for a human demonstrator, one for the Franka Emika Panda, and one for the Boston Dynamics Spot. The assembly instructions are shown in the following figures. |
Citation |
LEGATO Gripper is released under the MIT License. For questions, please contact Mingyo Seo or Shenli Yuan. |